This educational film produced by the United States Army provides some social context for Turkey in the 20th century, set against historical footage of Istanbul and the Turkish countryside.

Scope & Content

“Reel 1 shows street and harbor scenes in Istanbul, peasants, an old fortress, and sentries on roads. Describes the importance of the Dardanelles, Russia's objectives there, Turkey's World War I naval victory over Russia, and the Montreux Convention permitting militarization of the Straits. Shows infantry and tanks, the general staff, officer candidates doing calisthenics, U.S. Amb. E.C. Wilson, and a U.S. military mission deplaning. Reel 2 shows Pres. Inonu, the cabinet, the assembly in session, a panorama of Ankara, memorials to Ataturk, and scenes of poverty. Tobacco is harvested, cured, and rolled. Shows weaving, children in school, speakers in the national assembly. King Abdullah of Jordan being entertained, U.S. Information Agency offices, and U.S. warships in port.”

Video courtesy of the Department of Defense and National Archives Catalog.

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