Article 1: name  

The HEMA club at VCU  

Article 2: mission statement  

  • This club’s mission is to afford everyone the opportunity to learn historical European martial arts, regardless of gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, race, creed, ethnicity, or any other discriminating factor  

  • The club will host one regional competition (fight night) in the Cary street gym the week before Thanksgiving in the fall semester, and one national competition (Rampoint) Presidents day weekend in February at the Larrick student center. 

  • Our instruction aims to be of the highest quality and impart to club members the principals of footwork, weapon handling, weapon safety and responsible management, teamwork, and community  

Article 3: membership requirements  

  • Participation: to participate in this club prospective members must be a registered VCU student or staff member. Prospective members must abide by the university honor code and student conduct and have a GPA of 2.0 or greater  

  • Each member must attend at least one (1) practice per month  

  • Each member must fill out all necessary paperwork, pay their dues at the beginning of each semester and purchase a club shirt. 

  • Participation in community service or club fundraisers is not required for club membership  

Article 4: officers  

  • An officer must support and assist club leadership however they can, in addition, they must uphold the instructional and conduct standards of the club  

  • Currently, the elected officer positions are president, Vice President, treasurer, and safety officer 

  • The president must oversee all club operations, as well as ensuring that all university requirements, rules, and regulations are met and obeyed. Furthermore, they are the primary contact for the club for prospective members, the university, and any other relevant parties unless delegated otherwise. Finally, the President must set the practice curriculum and lead practices and events unless incapacitated or otherwise delegated.  

  • The Vice President must ensure that practice time and space requirements are met. In addition, they must ensure that all gear or other logistical requirements are satisfied. Finally, they are in charge of all prospective and current members waivers, paperwork, registration, and other bureaucratic requirements. Additionally, any travel plans and paperwork are the responsibility of the Vice President.   

  • The treasurer is in charge of all club finances and requisition orders, club dues, fees, and any and all financial paperwork. The President and Vice President must work with the Treasurer in order to fill requisition orders, or submit financial requests.  

  • The Risk Assessment Manager must have a valid CPR certification. At least one officer must attend every practice. In the event of injury, it is their job to notify VCU staff and in necessary activate emergency services. Additionally, they may assess and if they are able, treat the injury unless otherwise delegated. After any injury requiring onsite or extensive treatment, the Risk Assessment Manager must report it to the appropriate authorities. Additionally, the officer also functions as a quartermaster  

  • The appointed positions are Media officer and technology officer; each position is appointed by the president after each election.   

  • The media officer must produce and share at least five poster quality pictures every two weeks. Poster quality is defined as any picture that is high quality enough an appropriate to be featured in VCU club advertisement. Additionally, they are responsible for producing and posting to the club Youtube page at least one educational video per semester. Additionally, they must produce at least ten poster quality photos per competition and at least one video of the fight for first place. They are responsible for maintaining the club’s social presence on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, and/or other media platforms.  

  • The technology officer is responsible for filming and editing educational videos, maintaining the Tidyhq website, maintain and troubleshooting competition software like pool generators and scorekeeping sheets.   

Article 5: Rotmeisters  

  • Rotmeisters are essentially officers in training; they function as a sub commanders in charge of a small group of club members. Their job includes but is not limited to distributing administrative tasks, leading standard drills in their rots, and running rot competitions 

  • They may organize extra practice sessions or non club events  

  • There will be three Rotmeister positions with more added as needed  

  • They must make a good faith effort to attend every practice, event, staff training and meeting 


Article 6: Elections, eligibility, and terms  


  • Officer: to be eligible to be an officer the candidate must have at least two (2) semesters of experience in the club, and not be graduating for at least a year after their election. A senior graduating in May is ineligible to be elected in September. Being a rotmeister first is not required.  

  • Rotmeister: the candidate must have at least a semester of experience and attended a majority of practices  


  • Officers are elected in the second practice of the fall semester then the incumbent officer trains their replacement during the fall semester. During the elections in the second practice of the spring semester, the new officers take power. Old officers still maintain a presence as mentors and advisors, but the new officers make all the decisions and assume all the responsibility. Elected position terms are the same as officers with the same training period.  

  • Elections: Elections will be held on the second practice of the semester. Each officer will be allowed to run for reelection or another position if they wish. They may abstain from reelection if they wish. Any club member who has been a member for two semesters or more may run for any position. They will present their reasons why the club should elect them for their chosen position. The members present will then cast their votes for each position on a slip of paper. Candidates and current officers may cast a vote either for themselves or for someone else. Any member present can abstain from any vote. After votes have been cast for each position, the results will be tallied up by the current president and Vice President then the results announced to the club. Whichever candidate receives the most votes for their position will receive that position. A candidate can only run for one position. If there is a tie, a tiebreaker vote will be held until the tie is resolved. Any club member not at the election meeting forfeits their right to participate in the elections. 

  • Appointed positions will be selected from a pool of interested candidates  

  • After the election, the new rotmeisters stand facing the wall and members choose their own rots. Officers distribute members to ensure rots are even. Once they are done the Rotmeister turns back around and assumes control of their rot.


Article 7: conflict resolution  

Process of resolving conflict in the club 

  • Minor infractions: minor infractions such as talking out of turn or deliberately performing a technique incorrectly will be addressed with a verbal correction by a staff member or senior member. Repeated minor infractions will qualify as a major infraction. 

  • Major infraction: a major infraction such as deliberately mishandling club equipment, unnecessary roughness, inappropriate language, violations of the honor code or student code of conduct, or any act that puts any member or piece of equipment at unnecessary risk will be answered by a stern warning from the club president or whomever they have delegated to lead practice. If the infraction occurs again after the warning, they will be asked to leave practice. They may return to the next scheduled practice and participate as normal. Any member who is ejected from practice three (3) times will be banned from the club until the start of the next fall semester.  

  • A staff member reserves the right to eject a member without warning if they deem is appropriate. They are welcome to come back to the next practice.

  • Violation: A violation encompasses actions such as  

  • Actions taken with the intent to seriously injure or kill a member of VCU or Richmond community  

  • Actions taken with the intent to sexually harass, or assault a member of the VCU or Richmond community  

  • Any crime or breach of university or local, state, or federal laws 

  • Violation of university policy  

Any of the above actions, or any actions the university or a club member finds as a serious threat to health or safety including drug or alcohol use will be reported to the correct authorities including VCU police. Any member found guilty of a violation will be permanently banned from participating in this club.  

  • If at any point the involvement of the university or sports club authorities is deemed necessary the correct authorities will be contacted by the club president  

  • Any action one member takes reflects on the club as a whole  

Removal of a staff member

  • if the removal of a staff member is deemed appropriate then a vote will be held to determine if an impeachment hearing is needed. If a majority of those present vote yes then an impeachment hearing will be held no later than thirty (30) days after. Club functions will continue throughout any impeachment process.  

  • All active club members must attend the impeachment hearing where the prosecutor will state their case, and the defendant will be permitted to defend themselves. Once both parties have spoken, the club members shall cast individual, private votes for impeachment or not. The votes will be tallied and the result recorded by two (2) officers independently of one another, as well as a Rec sports staff member. Only once all three have independently reached the same result will the result be announced to the club. If the impeachment motion carries then, the officer will be removed from office for the remainder of the school year, and an election will be held immediately to decide a replacement. The impeached officer is ineligible for reelection for one (1) year after their impeachment. One (1) year after impeachment the officer will be permitted to run for any office again. If the impeachment motion does not carry, then the officer may resume their duties until the next election. Any decision made by the club regarding impeachment may be overturned by the Rec sports council, the plaintive may appeal the club’s decision to the Rec Sports Council, however, club activities, and the defendant officer may continue normal operations during the appeals process.  

  • In the event of a violation, the officer may be expelled from the club permanently with no due process on the authority of the campus and city police.  

Article 8: finances  

  • Dues: This club’s eventual goal is to have a joining fee of zero (0) dollars, in order to encourage participation. Money should not be a barrier to learning the fighting arts. However, this club currently charges a joining fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). 

  • All members are required to purchase a club T-shirt which functions as a club uniform. 

  • Due use: These dues are used to ensure that the club can purchase enough practice swords for each member. If enough weapons are present, they are used to buy more loaner equipment such as helmets, and gloves.  

  • Payment deadline: These dues are due from each member at the beginning of each fall semester by the third (3ed) practice that member attends. If the due is not paid by the third (3ed) practice that member attends, that member will be barred from all club activities until the due is paid. Payment of this due covers that member’s involvement with the club for one (1) semester.  

  • Off-campus accounts: An off-campus account will be maintained for club use only. This account will be used to house club dues, as well as any additional revenue the club generates.  

  • Only the club Treasurer will have access to this account and all club finances.  

Article 9: meetings 

  • Practice will be held twice a week on Friday and Saturday at the Cary Street Gym MAC at the same time every week.  

  • All club officers will be required to meet a minimum of one (1) time every semester in order to review club operations, the teaching curriculum, and update short-term and long-term plans.  

  • Additional Club meetings will be announced to the club at least two (2) days before the scheduled day.  

Article 10: communications 

  • All electronic communication on club pages is subject to university policy, as well as local, state, and federal laws. Violation of these rules and regulations constitutes a violation.  

  • Communications will be primarily directed through the club Facebook page, as well as the rec sports site and the myorgs site. As well as any other platform the club leadership deems appropriate.  

  • The club president is the primary contact for the club and must include the club email on club pages, as well as posters and flyers.  

  • All online interactions will be conducted in a civil and respectful manner

  • The president will be the primary point of contact and communication for the VCU rec sports administration unless otherwise delegated or assigned

Article 11: amendments  

  • Amendments to the constitution require a simple majority from all members present at the time of the meeting. Any member or group of members can suggest an amendment. The suggestion must be serious and practical. Once a formal amendment has been proposed an amendment meeting will be announced by the club president at least two (2) days before the meeting day. Any member who fails to attend the meeting forfeits their right to participate in the amendment process.  

  • At the meeting, the plaintiffs present their case for amendment. The president will ask if there are any defendants. If none are present, the assembled members vote to carry the amendment. If defendants are present, they will present their case, and the assembled members will vote to carry the amendment. If the amendment receives a majority, then it is passed and will be officially incorporated into the constitution. If the amendment does not receive a majority, then it will not be incorporated into the constitution. The plaintive group is welcome to restart the process again or appeal to the sports club council. 



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