One of Finland’s oldest traditions is also one of its most enduringly popular: the sauna. These smoke- and steam-powered cabins can be found on many family properties and resorts. There are an estimated 2 to 3 million saunas in Finland—an especially striking number compared to its population of 5.5 million.

In the past, saunas served a number of vital roles in Finnish communities. Besides being a place to warm up and relax, they also acted as hot baths and medicinal centers. Women often gave birth in saunas, for example.

Today, Finnish saunas are mostly recreational, though they are still an important part of Finnish life, social bonding, and wellness. This video courtesy of UNESCO will take you right to the steaming heart, and frigid ice-baths, of a real sauna in Finland.

WARNING: The video below contains minor male nudity.


Haarmann, Harald. Modern Finland. McFarland, 2016.

“The World Factbook: Finland.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018,

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